I don't know how this happened, and how nothing was said about it in the national news, but your vitamin bottle with B-6 pyridoxamine is no longer available to you. You cannot buy it at the store any longer. Why? Because big corporate interests are being served, ahead of the public safety and interest for billion dollar profits. I am not against profit, not at all. But don't take my vitamins away from me, which are cheap and readily available, and make me pay thousands in prescriptions, creating more problems in our already overburdened health care system.
"The FDA is denying Americans access to a low-cost dietary supplement (pyridoxamine) in order to make this natural vitamin an expensive prescription drug."
There have been initial research done to show that vitamin B-6 may be successful in treating Alzheimer's disease, as well as some other conditions. The FDA went along with this request and banned this vitamin, even though it has been available to the public and there are no known safety issues with this vitamin.
LEF goes on to say "Safety is not the issue. The FDA admits its plan to ban pyridoxamine is in direct response to a petition filed by a pharmaceutical company. This company wants the FDA to grant it exclusinve status to sell the safest form of vitamin B6 as a drug!"
"At stake are the lives of millions of Americans whose health can be protected against a host of age-related diseases if pyridoxamine can be freely added to dietary suppliement formulas."
Our freedom to be healthy is at stake. To read more about this issue, and to write your congressman, you can go to www.lef.org/pyridoxamine.
More to come on this in the future....stay tuned!
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