If you suffer, and suffer and suffer from unresolved issues such as gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, anemia, itchy skin conditions, thyroid and other autoimmune disorders - to name just a few, you might look into a condition where you are allergic or intolerant of gluten products....called Celiac Disease. This disease has been a "sleeper" as far as mainstream medicine.
My thoughts on this, as I have done many years of research is this: Perhaps this Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance is why so many of us do well on the South Beach or Atkins high protein, low carbohydrate diets. These diets are inherantly void of gluten! When I'm on this lifetsyle (prefer to call it that over "diet") I have at least 2 hours more energy a day! Unbelievable, but true.
What is gluten? Wheat, barley and rye contain substances that after the starch comes out, the gluten (technically called gliadins, secalines, hordeins) remain. These proteins are hard to digest by many humans.
What products can be considered your gluten enemy? This list is not complete, but it contains a lot of the common sources:
1) Wheat and rye breads, buns, rolls, dough, bisquits...anything with flour
2) Pizza and pizza dough
3) Pasta containing wheat
4) Pies, pot pies, many frozen food dinners
5) Cakes, muffins, sweet rolls, most desserts
6) Gravies thickened with flour
7) Soups thickened with flour
If you are familiar with the South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet, you would notice none of these things are allowed on the diet. If you find that your symptons go away when you are on these types of diets, by all means discuss this with your doctor. The testing for Celiac Disease is involved and expensive, but can affect your overall health, including your immune system.
If you suspect you might have this disease, check out the book by Peter H. R Green, M.D. and Rory Jones, called "Celiac Disease, A Hidden Epidemic." It is an excellent book for giving you a head start on the diagnosis and treatment.
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