Due to a lot of travel abroad, and lots of activity in my professional life, I've barely had time to post my daily research. But today, with several friends suffering from MS, I thought I'd better take time to pass on the latest research.
I remember when passing through Death Valley, coming upon a tourist site called "Scotty's Castle." It was a magnificent place with a story of a Kentuckian named Walter Scott who built it with money from a rich man in New York named Albert Mussey Johnson. The New Yorker had ailments, probably what we call arthritis, that were "cured" while he was at the homestead. Scotty told everyone the castle was built with the gold from the mines he found, but in reality, the gold was from Johnson, and his gold was from the sun which he really needed and loved.
The reality to many of the cures we have heard about, most likely lie in the vitamin D people need. Now the research points to a cure for MS. Wonderful, powerful, once again, our sun is the cure. And if you live north, or you are fair skinned, order up the vitamin D in capsules.
I have been using 5,000 I.U. from Life Extension Foundation (www.lef.org) and have never felt better. For my friends who suffer from MS, I surely hope they find the relief, as it is a horrible disease.
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