There is a new term among the fit and healthy! It's called "clean" eating. Have you heard it yet? Clean eating is the art of eating real food, real fresh, and without additives or toxins of any sort. I'm living in Dallas, TX and it is the land of big! Our roads are big, our restaurants are big, but unfortunately, it is hard to find "clean" eating in this metroplex.
The book "The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged" is an excellent book for learning the overall health benefits of eating "clean." Two weeks on a clean diet and you might find no more sinus headaches (from preservatives), no more aches and pains (from hidden preservatives), and an overall feeling of better energy and clearing thinking. You can find this book at Amazon:
If you want to reach further into healthy eating, try the art of Paleo...the caveman diet! Eating "clean" and "Paleo" has to be an awesome combination! Try it and let me know!