The idea of getting a face lift scares most people to death! The risks associated with anesthetic, bacterial infections, and unknown results is enough to send some people running for their life. I might just fit in the category!
There is hope for those of us who would rather wrestle a rattlesnake as be in the doctor's office. One of the most important ways to improve your skin lies in the magic Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize winner twice) and is readily available for anyone, and without a prescription. VITAMIN C.
Vitamin C is:
1) Essential for the building of collagin
2) Essential to protect against UV damage
And applied directly to the skin is absorbed as much as 20 times more than when taken orally. The products you need to look for are products that contain 3-10% ascorbic acid and are mixed with vitamin A (retinol). Use first thing in the morning and moisturize after with a sunblock. Along with your topical vitamin C, it is wise to also take amino acid supplements. Collagen is made up of Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline and Arginine. If you are missing these amino acids, your body cannot rebuild.
Another new breakthrough in faking a facelift is phytoceremides in pill form. These hydrate the body from the inside out, plumping the skin cells and removing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You need 350 mg per day, plant derived. It takes about 4 weeks to see the results, but they are amazing. (Sweet potato or rice derived is available if you have gluten sensitivity).
I don't endorse any particular products, however, if you have had good results with any, please feel free to post them!
Alternative Dental bonding has long been thought of as a less expensive alternative to porcelain veneers. Also called cosmetic bonding, dental bonding offers many of the same smile correction benefits as veneers.
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