Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Everyone is Talking About Red Wine Benefits - Why?

I think you might have to be a hermit not to have heard that "RED WINE IS GOOD FOR YOU!" Well, I'm not exactly sure if this is being marketed by the wine industry, but my doctor says alcohol is not good for you, and if you can get the benefits of red wine without drinking it...that's even better!

I just adore the occasional expensive Cabernet Sauvignon, and the more it cost, the better I like it. However, there is a much less expensive way for me to get the benefits of this new wonder and it is called RESVERATROL! Resveratrol is being studied by just about every pharmaceutical company out there, and the results from these studies are nothing short of OUTSTANDING! The most exciting of these studies is showing how resveratrol may help protect against devastating age-related diseases including cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's.

In the latest issue (August 2009) of Life Extension Magazine, they outline "What You Need To Know" about Resveratrol:

1) The plant derived polyphenol resveratrol probably accounts for many of the beneficial effects of the "French Paradox" in which high-fat diets fail to produce devastating effects when red wine is also consumed.
2) Most of resveratrol's benefits have traditionally been ascribed to its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
3) Emerging research now shows that resveratrol also stimulates cells to behanve as if they had been exposed to caloric restriction, the most powerful life-extending approach known.
4) Through its action on potent cellular-regulating proteins called sirtuins, resveratrol mimics caloric restriction, stimulating healthy cells to survive and diseased cells to die in an organized fashion.
5) Resveratro-mediated sirtuin activation is nw understood to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with resveratrol supplementation, including protection from aging-associated disorders like cardiovascular disease, the metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer.
6) Drug companies are rushing to exploit the new findinsg about resveratrol by runing it into a drug-but highly active supplements are already available, and existing data are all based on use of the natural product.

As many of you know, I have been studying Life Extension's work for over 8 years. They are an organization of highly respected doctors and medical professionals dedicated to the study of the prevention of human aging and disease. Their unprecidented research, and proof of validity on studies is one reason I rely heavily on their recommendations. They are in search of preventing disease or reversing it, not covering up the symptoms. If everyone would participate in this type of lifestyle, we could dramatically cut our healthcare expenses, and be a more productive nation.

For more information on resveratrol please go to:

For information on Life Extension Foundation and how to become a member go to:

As always, I have no association monetarily with any of the doctors, organizations or products I discuss, but I love sharing some good information.

Have a wonderful July!


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