Sunday, March 10, 2013

Research on the Quality of Vitamins and Minerals

Just like everything in life, not all things are equal, no matter what the ingredients list state on the bottle.  This can be very critical when looking for supplements that one takes to improve their health...not hurt it.  I have had a copy of the "NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements" by Lyle MacWilliam MSc, FP for years, but there is a new 2011-2012 edition that has included research about the benefits of vitamin D to overall health.

In this body of research, 3 companies rise to the top in their compliance to the highest levels of quality and ingredients;  USANA Health Sciences, Douglas Laboratories, TrueStar Health.  There are other 5 star companies, but these three set the "gold" standard in every aspect of measurement.

Before you invest your time and money in a particular supplement, check out the rankings and performance in this book.  You'll be amazed at the differences in quality and the science behind the supplements.

After careful review, I have switched to USANA.  I'll let you know how it goes!  Here's to your health!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

From a bear in Canada

This is off the topic, however, the most amazing video I have ever seen on the human impact to the wild.  This video is award winning and found on Webby because I was looking for award winning sites.  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Secrets to Look 10 Years Younger

It's a gray Sunday morning here in Dallas, so I find it a great time to sip some Life Extension Foundation specially processed coffee (keeps the antioxidants in the coffee bean) and update the blog with some amazing research presented on the Dr. Oz show a few weeks ago.

The idea of getting a face lift scares most people to death!  The risks associated with anesthetic, bacterial infections, and unknown results is enough to send some people running for their life.  I might just fit in the category!

There is hope for those of us who would rather wrestle a rattlesnake as be in the doctor's office.  One of the most important ways to improve your skin lies in the magic Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize winner twice) and is readily available for anyone, and without a prescription.  VITAMIN C.  

Vitamin C is:
1)  Essential for the building of collagin
2)  Essential to protect against UV damage

And applied directly to the skin is absorbed as much as 20 times more than when taken orally.  The products you need to look for are products that contain 3-10% ascorbic acid and are mixed with vitamin A (retinol).  Use first thing in the morning and moisturize after with a sunblock.  Along with your topical vitamin C, it is wise to also take amino acid supplements.  Collagen is made up of Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline and Arginine. If you are missing these amino acids, your body cannot rebuild.

Another new breakthrough in faking a facelift is phytoceremides in pill form.  These hydrate the body from the inside out, plumping the skin cells and removing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  You need 350 mg per day, plant derived.  It takes about 4 weeks to see the results, but they are amazing.  (Sweet potato or rice derived is available if you have gluten sensitivity).

I don't endorse any particular products, however, if you have had good results with any, please feel free to post them!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

All Natural Facials

Dr. Oz reminded us that great facials don't have to come from the department store and break the bank!  The one he mentioned on his show was a combination of nutmeg powder and honey. 

I have my own recipes:

Hair Mask:
If you have never tried mayonnaise on your hair, you have missed a great way to rebuild the protein, add moisture and shine, and its pennies per treatment.  Take 2 tbsn and mix with one tbsn organic olive oil.  Mix it into your hair, and wait 30 minutes.  The vinegar in the mayo actually cuts the buildup of hair products, and the protein in the egg and the oil rebuild your hair shaft.  Of course, don't must shampoo it out!

Facial to Restore Skin, non-drying:
As you age, your skin seems to have trouble maintaining moisture.  Part of the problem is the need to rid your dead skin cells (scrubbing needed) and part of it is the lack of nutrition.  This is not "pretty" but it is amazing.  Mix 2 tbsn of honey with 2 tbsn of oatmeal, rough cut.  Do not want the hard oats.  Next, add a tbsn of olive oil.  The mixture is difficult to mix, but give it about a minute of stirring.  Slather on your face and wait 30 minutes.  Rinse in warm water, while scrubbing with the oats.  Keep your eyes shut!

Facial to Improve Acne:
This facial was famous when I was younger.  Whip up 2 egg whites.  Add the juice of one lemon, or about a slight tbsn.  Spread on face and wait 30 minutes.  The egg whites work to clean the oil from the pores, and the lemon juice provides vitamin C to your skin.  Rinse in warm water, then close your pores with cold water

Enjoy your skin renewal treatments and let me know how they work for YOU!

How to Tell if Your Vitamin D is Low...without Going to the Doctor

Dr. Oz gave us all a great way to self-test for Vitamin D deficiency last week and anyone can do this.  Take your thumb and press it somewhat hard on the center of your breastbone.  If you feel pain, it is a sign that your bones are deficient in Vitamin D.  Vitamin D3 supplements are readily available, and if you are deficient you need to immediately "boost" your levels with between 5,000 to 10,000 I.U. and after taking this amount for a month, check in with your doctor for a blood test so you know your levels.  I find 10,000 I.U. daily just barely put me on the low side of normal, and in 2006 I suffered a clinical deficiency that was misdiagnosed for polymyalgia rheumatica.  It was almost a year of suffering until I went to a different doctor who looked for the root cause of the pain.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Take a stoll through an arboretum for your health

If you are lucky enough to live in an area where there is a public garden or arboretum, this time of year is especially beautiful with cooler days and a slight wind.  In Dallas, the arboretum is displaying Chihuly glass sculpture and I've managed to embed a slide show (a miricle for technolgy challenged me) and I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cavities...caused by bacteria....who knew?

My mother was a big fan of Listerine.  Now I read that cavities are caused by bacteria.  Germs....they were the culprit for the cavities suffered by many of my friends. I was lucky, I never had any until I became an adult.  I kissed my thing you know, I have a cavity in college.  Who knew?  My mom!  She told me cavities are contagious.  Somehow she knew. 

I don't think Listerine is necessarily the answer, but certainly seeing your dentist and keeping an eye on plaque build up cannot hurt. 

Check out the recent article from Life Extension Foundation for the details:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are you eating "clean?"

There is a new term among the fit and healthy!  It's called "clean" eating.  Have you heard it yet?  Clean eating is the art of eating real food, real fresh, and without additives or toxins of any sort.  I'm living in Dallas, TX and it is the land of big!  Our roads are big, our restaurants are big, but unfortunately, it is hard to find "clean" eating in this metroplex. 

The book "The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged" is an excellent book for learning the overall health benefits of eating "clean."  Two weeks on a clean diet and you might find no more sinus headaches (from preservatives), no more aches and pains (from hidden preservatives), and an overall feeling of better energy and clearing thinking.  You can find this book at Amazon:

If you want to reach further into healthy eating, try the art of Paleo...the caveman diet!  Eating "clean" and "Paleo" has to be an awesome combination!  Try it and let me know!

Your blender - your best friend

I am experimenting with the ability to show some of my favorite products, and you can click on them and see what they might add to your juicing experience!  To your health!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Non-GMO Food Guide Available

No matter where you look, genetically modified foods are getting the thumbs down from around the world.  Many European countries have actually outlawed Monsanto's products.  Finally, via Dr. Mercola, there is a food guide to how to avoid GMO foods.

The bad news...if you eat out, you are eating GMO food. 

Here's the link for the guide:

Radiation from Fukishima Found in Tuna off California Coast

Ninja Xl BlenderThe news this weekend was not good for us sushi lovers!  Many of us going gluten free, and watching our intake (or eliminating) red meat, rely on a good sushi dinner and in particular, tuna for the protein intake requirements.  I'm certain more information will come out on this, but until then, we have reports from California with the details.

The report:

The recommendation:
Although the amounts found in the tuna are in the "safe" zone, it might be prudent to reduce or eliminate the intake of the large fish found off the coast of Japan until further information is available.  The thyroid gland is especially sensitive to radiation.  If you believe you are particularly prone to exposure to radiation due to your location (travel to Japan, etc.) you might look into the protection offered from iodine.  The CDC has this report on the use:

Taking Charge of Your Health - Blood Testing without a Doctor

You do not have to rely on your doctor for blood screening for your overall health.  Many people do not have time to schedule an appointment, wait in the doctor's office, then get a lab slip and go to the lab...wait again, just to get their annual blood testing that reveals their overall health.  Life Extension Foundation ( provides blood testing at very good rates.  For example, the Male or Female Life Extension Panel tests CBC/Chemistry Profile, DHEA-S, Estradios (PSA for men), Homocysteine, C-Reactive Protein, hormones depending on male/female, TSH for thyroid, and Vitamin D.  Member prices are $199.  Additional tests are available for Coenzyme Q10, Food Safe Allergy tests, heavy metals, as an example.

Why choose tests that aren't covered by insurance?  In many instances, insurance will not cover a full panel of testing unless there is "cause."  This creates a chicken-egg scenario because you want to know if there is a problem before you get sick.  Nip all this in the bud by ordering your own testing, and taking any negative results to your doctor for followup.