Saturday, July 18, 2009

From Mouth to Belly

Scientists Discover Relationship Between Oral Bacteria and Obesity

It seems there may be more reasons to visit your dentist than just your teeth. We have recently heard that bacteria in the mouth may contribute to heart disease, but researchers at the International Associate of Dental Research have completed a study that shows a bacteria present in obese women, that was not present in normal weight women. This may well be one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of the study of obesity. Could it be the bacteria creates a substance for its survival that makes the "host" hungry? This is one aspect of the study still unknown, but further research may hold the answers.

The bacteria has a name: Selenomonas Noxia

Life Extension Foundation in its Daily News reported on this study and remarked:

To investigate this possibility, the study's researchers J.M. Goodson, D. Groppo, S. Halem and E. Carpino measured salivary bacterial populations of overweight women. Saliva was collected from 313 women with a body mass index between 27 and 32, and bacterial populations were measured by DNA probe analysis. Levels in this group were compared with data from a population of 232 healthy individuals from periodontal disease studies. The median percentage difference of seven of the 40 bacterial species measured was greater than 2 percent in the saliva of overweight women. Classification tree analysis of salivary microbiological composition revealed that 98.4 percent of the overweight women could be identified by the presence of a single bacterial species (Selenomonas noxia) at levels greater than 1.05 percent of the total salivary bacteria. Analysis of these data suggests that the composition of salivary bacteria changes in overweight women.

It seems likely that these bacterial species could serve as biological indicators of a developing overweight condition. Of even greater interest, and the subject of future research, is the possibility that oral bacteria may participate in the pathology that leads to obesity.

Life Extension Foundation has the full report.

Now, I'm running off to brush my teeth!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Canadian Researchers Find Bioflavinoid Naringenin Corrects Metabolic Syndrome and More

I am predicting the sale of citrus fruit will be phenomenal after word of this study leaks out among all of us who battle the "bulge" on a daily basis. Perhaps this is another reason why there appears to be better health in some warmer climates where citrus fruit is plentiful and part of the daily diet year round.

Murray W. Huff of the Robarts Research Institute at the University of Western Ontario and his associates were recently published in the journal Diabetes for their research on mice with metabolic disorders and the use of Naringenin, a component found in citrus fruit, to correct the disorder.

As published in Life Extension Foundation's report:

The research team discovered that naringenin genetically reprograms the liver to burn extra fat as opposed to storing it. "We are examining the pharmacological properties of naringenin." Dr. Huff stated. "The next step is to find out if naringenin prevents heart disease in animal models and to explore the feasibility of clinical trials to determine its safety and efficacy in humans."

"These studies show naringenin, through its insulin-line properties, corrects many of the metabolic disturbances linked to insulin resistance and represents a promising therapeutic approach for metabolic syndrome," he concluded.

For more information, visit Life Extension Foundation.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Everyone is Talking About Red Wine Benefits - Why?

I think you might have to be a hermit not to have heard that "RED WINE IS GOOD FOR YOU!" Well, I'm not exactly sure if this is being marketed by the wine industry, but my doctor says alcohol is not good for you, and if you can get the benefits of red wine without drinking it...that's even better!

I just adore the occasional expensive Cabernet Sauvignon, and the more it cost, the better I like it. However, there is a much less expensive way for me to get the benefits of this new wonder and it is called RESVERATROL! Resveratrol is being studied by just about every pharmaceutical company out there, and the results from these studies are nothing short of OUTSTANDING! The most exciting of these studies is showing how resveratrol may help protect against devastating age-related diseases including cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's.

In the latest issue (August 2009) of Life Extension Magazine, they outline "What You Need To Know" about Resveratrol:

1) The plant derived polyphenol resveratrol probably accounts for many of the beneficial effects of the "French Paradox" in which high-fat diets fail to produce devastating effects when red wine is also consumed.
2) Most of resveratrol's benefits have traditionally been ascribed to its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
3) Emerging research now shows that resveratrol also stimulates cells to behanve as if they had been exposed to caloric restriction, the most powerful life-extending approach known.
4) Through its action on potent cellular-regulating proteins called sirtuins, resveratrol mimics caloric restriction, stimulating healthy cells to survive and diseased cells to die in an organized fashion.
5) Resveratro-mediated sirtuin activation is nw understood to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with resveratrol supplementation, including protection from aging-associated disorders like cardiovascular disease, the metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer.
6) Drug companies are rushing to exploit the new findinsg about resveratrol by runing it into a drug-but highly active supplements are already available, and existing data are all based on use of the natural product.

As many of you know, I have been studying Life Extension's work for over 8 years. They are an organization of highly respected doctors and medical professionals dedicated to the study of the prevention of human aging and disease. Their unprecidented research, and proof of validity on studies is one reason I rely heavily on their recommendations. They are in search of preventing disease or reversing it, not covering up the symptoms. If everyone would participate in this type of lifestyle, we could dramatically cut our healthcare expenses, and be a more productive nation.

For more information on resveratrol please go to:

For information on Life Extension Foundation and how to become a member go to:

As always, I have no association monetarily with any of the doctors, organizations or products I discuss, but I love sharing some good information.

Have a wonderful July!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

What Salt is Good for You if Any?

Himalayan Salt...have you heard of it? In the discussion of "sea salt" with my trusted health guru Mario from Canada, he made me aware NOT ALL SALT IS CREATED EQUAL!

I have used Sea Salt for decades, but I didn't know there are better Sea Salts and I might not be doing my body any good with the one I had from the Mediterranean Sea in Spain.

Your body needs salt. Without salt, you cannot survive. Your body cannot adjust its own water content without it. The problem we face in modern life is our salt on the table is the wrong kind of salt; over-processed, undernourished, and containing pollutants. However, in the Himalayan's there is a salt source that is over 250 million years old, without modern day contaminants and with all of the natural minerals that enhance the salt and feed our bodies.

I cannot re-write Dr. Mercola's entire educational pitch on Himalayan Salt, but I have quoted his top ten reasons to use it. Also, at the bottom, you can listen to his interview with a German nutritionist who has become an expert in the area of salts and minerals.

Here is what Dr. Mercola says about Himilayan Sea Salt:

Containing all of the 84 elements found in your body, the benefits of natural Himalayan Crystal Salt include:
  1. Regulating the water content throughout your body.
  2. Promoting a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.
  3. Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging.
  4. Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
  5. Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
  6. Supporting respiratory health.
  7. Promoting sinus health.
  8. Prevention of muscle cramps.
  9. Promoting bone strength.
  10. Regulating your sleep -- it naturally promotes sleep.
  11. Supporting your libido.
  12. Promoting vascular health.
  13. In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure.
Check out more about Himalayan Salt on his site:

Have a healthy Sunday!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

ACHES AND PAINS....listen to your body

Have you begun to get those achy legs, tight back, shoulders that feel they just need a little more "oil" to keep you from feeling like the Tin Man? This doesn't come with comes from deficiencies of life saving water, vitamins and minerals.

A nutritionist told me that everyone he sees test out to be dehydrated. It seems that we are unable to "feel" thirst the way we should be able to, so many times we eat instead of drink water. His recommendation was to divide your body weight in half and to drink that many ounces of pure water (not tea, coffee or other liquid) DAILY. So if you weight 180 pounds, you should have 90 ounces of water daily. And for every other drink you have, such as coffee, add the equal amount of water. Well, I tried it. It was VERY DIFFICULT. I found that just in order to get the water I needed, I didn't have stomach room to waste on other beverages. But I felt wonderful. All sorts of little aches and pains completely went away. Weird...but so true.

Next on the list of ridding yourself of aches and pains is VITAMIN D. Turns out that we are deficient, and it is at a record pandemic rate. Life Extension Foundation ( has many articles on the situation, and the most recent can be found at:

Since doctors are being educated (after their schooling) by the pharmaceutical companies, many times the diagnosis of a chronic pain disease such as fibromyalgia or polymyalgia rheumatica are incorrect. What sometimes happens is pain from a severe vitamin deficiency. In defense of our medical doctors, the big business of medicine leaves them little time to do the research and stay up to date on everything. The pharmaceutical reps have daily access to educate doctors on the latest of new drugs, the statistics on treatments, and for this we are thankful. However, not every disease needs to be treated with a drug. Often our disease is based on a nutritional deficiency, and our doctors are not specialized in nutrition.

If you are experiencing "old age aches and pains" try researching the Vitamin D connection, and make sure you're covered. That's the cheapest insurance anyone can have...good health is a bargain!

Running to get my water and vitamins! Have a great holiday!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is Fluoride or Chlorine a Problem FOR YOU?

Greetings to all from sunny Lexington, Kentucky! Our state this year is the most brilliant green I have seen in years. A combination of a very rainy spring, and a very hot summer.

Yesterday's research session proved to be exceptionally informative. I found a book called Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition by Phyllis A. Balch. I already had a prior edition, but so much more has been added in the hypothyroid section, I decided to get the updated version.

One thing I did not know: fluoride and chlorine are so close to the iodine molecule, they can block the iodine receptors in the thyroid. WOW! I was an experimental "fluoride kid!" I'm wondering if I have blocked receptors, and that is the reason for the poorly functioning thyroid. In addition, my favorite "power foods" are spinach, brocolli, cabbage, brussel spouts and all of them are on the DO NOT EAT THESE IF YOU HAVE HYPOTHYROIDISM!

With this new information in my head, I went straight to the Good Food Store for some new organic veggies, because my fridge is filled with all the wrong stuff. I also bought some liquid iodine, in the form of "Liqui-Dulse" which you can just add to your water. This insures that whatever iodine receptors are left, will get the iodine they need.

Finally, I am off tap water all together. I purchased a large container of spring water, and some Tom's Toothpaste without fluoride.

Sometimes, if you are serious about "healing" you might have to take some extra measures to get well. I think the two hardest things for me will be to make sure I get only spring water, and no spinach. I have been eating spinach at least once or twice a day for at least a couple of years. I just love the stuff! (The spinach eating Popeye was my favorite cartoon when I was little.) But, in search of the cure, it's worth it.

Goodbye Popeye!