Friday, June 26, 2009

Why Some Diets Don't Work

If you have tried many, many diets, and nothing is working, perhaps you are not finding the right diet for your body type. in William Wolcott's and Trish Fahet's book "Metabolic Typing Diet" the fundamental of 'one size fits all' diet is completely dispelled and explained.

Your body type, metabolic makeup, although genetic, can be totally different from another in your family. Basically, there are three types:

1) Protein Type who are fast oxidizers or parasympathetic dominant
2) Carbo Type who are slow oxidizers or sympathetic dominant
3) Mixed Type who neither fast nor slow oxidizers and neither parasympathetic, nor sympathetic dominant

I've mentioned in a previous article that my doctor was amazed at my excellent body changes when I went on the Dr. Aktins Diet Revolution high protein diet. The feeling of well being, drop in weight, blood pressure, cholestrol and wonderful energy was very telling. My body doesn't handle carbohydrates. It took me a long time to "figure it out on my own!" In my experience, doctors do not work, discuss, or diagnos conditions about these different metabolic and dietary differences. If you are having difficutly controlling your weight, it might pay to read up on the metabolic types and give it a try.

In this book, there is a 65 question test that helps you figure out your metabolic type. Once you figure out which type you are, there are sections of the book specifically written to help you avoid your "poisons" and work with your metabolism. I highly recommend this book to anyone with thyroid disorder, as well, because as Dr. Oz says "Food is a drug, and you must select it for optimum health."


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is the Food You Eat Making You Sick: Celiac Disease

If you suffer, and suffer and suffer from unresolved issues such as gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, anemia, itchy skin conditions, thyroid and other autoimmune disorders - to name just a few, you might look into a condition where you are allergic or intolerant of gluten products....called Celiac Disease. This disease has been a "sleeper" as far as mainstream medicine.

My thoughts on this, as I have done many years of research is this: Perhaps this Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance is why so many of us do well on the South Beach or Atkins high protein, low carbohydrate diets. These diets are inherantly void of gluten! When I'm on this lifetsyle (prefer to call it that over "diet") I have at least 2 hours more energy a day! Unbelievable, but true.

What is gluten? Wheat, barley and rye contain substances that after the starch comes out, the gluten (technically called gliadins, secalines, hordeins) remain. These proteins are hard to digest by many humans.

What products can be considered your gluten enemy? This list is not complete, but it contains a lot of the common sources:

1) Wheat and rye breads, buns, rolls, dough, bisquits...anything with flour
2) Pizza and pizza dough
3) Pasta containing wheat
4) Pies, pot pies, many frozen food dinners
5) Cakes, muffins, sweet rolls, most desserts
6) Gravies thickened with flour
7) Soups thickened with flour

If you are familiar with the South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet, you would notice none of these things are allowed on the diet. If you find that your symptons go away when you are on these types of diets, by all means discuss this with your doctor. The testing for Celiac Disease is involved and expensive, but can affect your overall health, including your immune system.

If you suspect you might have this disease, check out the book by Peter H. R Green, M.D. and Rory Jones, called "Celiac Disease, A Hidden Epidemic." It is an excellent book for giving you a head start on the diagnosis and treatment.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Truth Will Set You Free: Diabetics Don't Have To Continue Having Diabetes

Want to insure you never have diabetes? Want to lower your cholesterol? Want to insure you stave off heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Stop your consumption of food products containing corn syrup, white flour, starches, and high-glycemic index carbohydrates.

Dr. Atkins spoke the truth. You can completely control your cholesterol, along with your weight, by cutting out the junk carbohydrates and consuming the high quality, low-glycemic index carbohydrates found in fresh vegetables like spinach, kale, salad greens and good fresh garden stuff. By using his high protein, low carbohydrate diet, I lost 47 pounds in just 10 weeks. I looked great, felt great, and my doctor couldn't believe the change in my blood pressure, cholesterol and overall health.

It upsets me to see millions of dollars wasted on pills to control a disease that is the product of very bad eating habits, and a lack of education on how the body works. We need to educate to the "new" facts that reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates and replace them with high quality protein. Whenever I visit my Grandmother in the nursing home, I am constantly reminded by the amputated limbs on many of the patients...WHY DIDN'T THEIR DOCTORS TELL THEM TO STOP EATING SUGAR! If you knew you would lose your feet, your legs, and your life...wouldn't that be enough to stop eating this poison? I really believe doctors are not educating their patients on the truth about diabetes. You do not have to have diabetes. The cure is the high protein diet and exercise. Not pills!

Now, I must state here that I am not talking about Type 1 diabetes that occurs in children as a result of genetic conditions. What I am referring to is the "age onset" Type 2 diabetes that is a direct result of lifestyle choices (lack of exercise, improper eating, etc.) The type your doctor refers to as Metabolic Syndrome.

If you are suffering from Metabolic Syndrome, try The South Beach or Atkins diets, and remove yourself from the prescription drug feed trough. You just might find you feel the best you have ever felt, lose weight, gain energy, and protect your heart.

It can't hurt to try it...and you just might fall in love with it!

"BREAKTHROUGH" by Suzanne Somers

The New York Times Best Seller "Breakthrough" by Suzanne Somers is full of some of the lastest findings in anti-aging and living well. If you don't own this book in your library of health and wellness information, it is highly recommended by many health practitioners. A nutritionist here in Lexington, KY advised me to buy it, read it, understand it and use it. He said it is one of the best for staying healthy. In the book, Ms. Somers outlines 8 Steps to Wellness:

1) Get Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
2) Avoid Chemicals and Detoxify Your Body
3) Take Nutrition Seriously
4) Create a Healthy GI Tract
5) Avoid Pharmaceuticals Unless Absolutely Necessary
6) Supplement Your Diet
7) Exercise Regularly
8) Get Proper Sleep

This book is over 400 pages of absolutely the latest in findings about how people live longer, productively and feeling great. If you are suffering from lack of sleep, hair loss, lack of energy, lack of sex drive, being cold when everyone else is comfortable, cracking nails, hypertension, and sugar cravings...and the list goes on, you need to read this book before you do anything else.

There is a lot of medical research lately that relates to our bodies not absorbing the nutrients we take in. There are various reasons for this, but after the age 30, basically, bodies can decline for a number of reasons, many related to hormones out of balance. You can take all the vitamins and minerals you want, BUT IF THE BODY WON'T ABSORB THEM, YOU WILL NOT GET THE BENEFIT!

Feed your brain, feed your body!


Help Us Keep Natural Vitamins and Minerals Available to the Citizens

Good morning! After reading the morning update of Dr. Mercola, there is a letter you can sign and it will be sent on your behalf asking for congress to protect our right to purchase vitamins and minerals without prescriptions, as is the push by big pharmaceutical companies.

I just recently got a prescription for an antibiotic. The cost was $94.73 for 7 pills. Needless to say, I passed on this one. Proper health care starts with prevention. Access to vitamins and minerals that actually work, at reasonable cost is part of our rights as human beings. To put corporations and profits ahead of our nations health is dangerous and cannot be tolerated.

Check out the link below and sign it if you want freedom to buy vitamins, just like you have in the past!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Where's the BEEF?

Unless you've been hiding in a closet, you must be concerned about our current state of beef in the U.S. I am worried about the hormones, the antibiotics and all that stuff, so I've switched to certified organic beef whenever I am able to buy it. Of course, when we eat out, we rarely know what we are eating, so for the sake of profit I am assuming it is the cheapest, most processed version I don't worry. I know it is probably bad. I therefore, decide to eat a lot of seafood when I am out.

Meanwhile, people are getting scared to eat meat. If you listen to the teachings of one of the foremost doctors in the U.S., Dr. Barry Sears, past U.S. Olympic nutritionist, you don't have to read far in "The Zone" to know that we are starving ourselves of protein and putting our health at great risk in the U.S.

In his book, "The Zone" I quote "For the past fifteen years, the people of this country have been unwitting participants in a massive scientific experiment. The goal of that experiment was exceptionally noble - the reduction of excess body fat in the American population. If such a goal was attainable, our healthier population would dramatically decrease the burdens on the existing health-care system, especially for an aging population....We are now fifteen years into the experiement, and one deosn't have to be a rocket scientist to see that it isn't working. In fact, all data analysis during the last fifteen years of this experiment shows that in spite of the fact that the American publich as dramatically cut back on the amount of fat consumed, the country has experienced an epidemic rise in obesity."

I might add that along with that epidemic rise in obesity, along with it has come the epidemic of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and a host of other expensive and deadly diseases.

This is an excellent book to read if you have diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other conditions running in your family as a genetic pre-disposition. From conversations I've had with my father, in regards to the amount of protein Dr. Sears is recommending, my father stated he doubted he got his daily recommended ounces IN AN ENTIRE WEEK! Certainly, if you use Dr. Sears forumla for calculating your required protein, you might discover you don't have any room left over for junk food, empty calories, or sugary desserts if you eat the right amount of filling protein.

For convenience, I have put a small summary of the calculations, but I recommend you read his book and understand the science behind the recommendations. For a female you need your hip measurement, your abdomen measurement, and your height to come up with your percentage of body fat. For men, you use your waist measurement and your wrist measurement. (But, you need the charts in the book to do this, or you need to look online for the calculator.)

Once you have your Total Weight, and your Total Body Fat, you subtract the Total Body Fat from the Total Weight and get your LEAN BODY MASS.

Your ideal protein intake is specific to your individual LEAN BODY MASS AND PHYSICAL-ACTIVITY FACTORS.

But, to illustrate Dr. Sears formula, a person with a lean body mass of 140 lbs, who is considered active (1 hour per day of physical activity) would use this formula: 140 x 0.8 =
112 g of protein a day.

Now, what makes up 112 grams of protein?

Dr. Sears provides a list showing 7 gram "protein blocks" and here are some examples:

1.5 oz chicken breast
1 oz lean beef
1 oz tofu

Keep in mind you need 16 servings of these protein blocks if you are 140 lbs lean body mass and active.

Of course, I can only provide a summary here, but if you are having trouble with your weight, your health, or your energy levels, you just might be missing out on the required protein on a daily basis.

So, don't feel so guilty chowing down on that delicious steak when you have the craving! Your body just might be telling you something. Skip the potato, and have yourself a nice steak and salad....then see if you are IN THE ZONE!

Let me know if you find this helpful.


Antibiotics vs. Old Fashioned Remedies

Would we still be here, any of us, without antibiotics? As I write this, I'm suffering with a UTI (urinary tract infection) probably brought on by stress of filing taxes, dealing with unemployment and getting ready to return to the university to get more education. (Working was so much easier than this!)

The problem with antibiotics, as I have experienced, is that the old ones we knew were good, are no longer working. The bacteria are smarter these days. They have "morphed" into warriors that are stronger and resistant to the old antibiotics. So, my doctor said I had to try a new one, assuming the old one was not working because testing showed I still had some bacteria. I'll not mention the new antibiotic's name, because I don't want to give anyone the impression that it is bad. But, I had a major allergic reaction, and had I not had a lot of experience with these types of allergic reactions, I would have gone to the emergency room immediately. Throat and tongue were swelling, started into asthma, etc.

Now I have a new prescription and I sit here looking at it wondering if gallons of cranberry juice, the old prescription that I've always taken, and some R & R might not be the best answer. The new drug is $94/7 pills. That is not what scares me. It is the fact that my body rejects just about any antibiotic and if I don't have to take it, I should not take it but rather let my body heal itself with the older antibiotic which I thought was not working, but now I'm willing to wait and see.

Fear of an allergic reaction is a powerful fear, if you have ever experienced one! So...I will take the slow road, for now, and hope I have made the right gamble. Either route for me is a gamble at this point.

Cheers for now!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Indium...Rare, But Maybe a Silver Bullet to Good Health

Happy Father's Day to all you guys out there with little ones...or perhaps big ones running around in your life! Parenting can be stressful. I hope today's little blog about Indium gives you something to think about and research on your own.

My good Canadian friend, Mario, has just opened my eyes to a possible thyroid "cure". (I don't claim to have any cures, but as you might know, I've been trying to heal my thyroid for over 20 years!) There is a rare mineral on earth called Indium. Indium is number 49 in the Periodic Table of Elements. This trace mineral is touted to aid in the absorption of our other minerals and according to a study by Dr. Schroeder's Dartmouth Medical School research team, "Indium improved the average mineral absorption of Chromium, Copper, Manganese and Zinc in major mice glads 142%; and raised Chromium in all organs average 333%...90% in the spleen, 112% in the kidneys, 242% in the liver, 536% in the heart." (Indium; New Mineral Discovery of the 21st Century, 2nd Edition, by Joseph B. Marion.)

In this study, the Indium gave the mice 26% fewer cancers, and 42% fewer malignant tumors for the 500-day mice lifespan; and the mice had lived on average about 7% longer than the controls.

Hum...sounds good so far.

But studying further, it appears this element works on the cellular level, and can restore metabolic balance through the entire glandular system. Now, I'm getting very excited! Glandular balance is touted by many to be the one thing that prevents premature aging.

So, today, is my first day taking this supplement. As I begin this journey, I'm suffering from non-ending troubles with hypothyroidism which has puzzled my doctors for 20+ years. No matter how much medication they give me, either with all natural Armor Thyroid, or with the synthetic varieties, it is never enough and my body doesn't respond.

There have been many, many folks tell me the "cure" to thyroid problems. I've tried them all and nothing has worked for me. Some doctors have told me I have been exposed to a high level of radiation and that is why my thyroid is non-functioning. But, in the quest for better living, I will continue trying to find the "silver bullet." Will this be it? I'm willing to try!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dr. Mercola's view on health

If you want to see a really good, unbiased view of vitamins and minerals from a doctor's perspective, check out Dr. Mercola on the web. Today his newsletter talks about the risk of too much selenium in the diet, and its relationship to diabetes. What I like about Dr. Mercola's site is that his research is based on the facts, and he obviously spends a lot of time researching as his articles are filled with data...not just opinions. (As an engineer, I'm always hungry for the me the numbers!)

Please note that I do not get any sort of financial or other kickbacks from any of the people whom I talk about. I'm simply a person who does a lot of research on my own, and I like to share what I find with others who are in search of better, higher quality lifestyle.

Cheers (as my good Canadian friend Mario always says!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

FDA Pulls Nasal Zicam Off the Shelves

For the moment, better toss the Zicam nasal products into the trash. The Wall Street Journal reported this morning (June 17, 2009, 1st page of Marketplace Section) there are over 130 cases of people losing their sense of smell. Due to this situation, the FDA has moved to stop the sale of this product, pending further investigation. However, there is nothing wrong with the other Zicam products such as tablets, "rapid melts" and liquid forms, according to this article.

I have had great results with Zicam and I'm sorry to hear about their issues. However, being an engineer and knowing the things that can go wrong with even the best intentions, I believe it is better to be safe. Your sense of smell is so important to your ability to enjoy and taste food. People I know who have had their sense of smell taken away tell me food is pretty much like eating sand when you cannot taste it. Not good...not good at all!

We will hear more on this, but it is probably best to discontinue any use of this product until the studies are complete.

Have a safe and healthy day!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Have you heard the latest on Oprah? She is 100% drug free, no prescriptions and that includes the prescription for thyroid disorder. She claims that she is "cured." If you know or have read how she did this, please pass it my way.

I have an update to this posting. A link to Dr. Mercola's website may hold some key to the science behind her cure. Check it out:

Thank you so much!

Have You Had Your Magnesium Today?

First of all, I'm going to be frank about this deal we call constipation! It is a national crisis that no one talks about! Google it. You will see estimations as high as 60+ million people experiencing it just in the United States. WOW! That's awful!

In the old days, back when my Grandma was checking in pretty close on all my bodily functions, the idea of skipping a day without a "BM" was unheard of! Being the contrary child and getting pretty darn tired of the question "Have you had your BM today?" I just yelled out "Grandmaaa! I haven't had one in a week!" Oh my God...the next thing I knew, Milk of Magnesia was being poured down my throat and every attempt to rectify the situation by admitting I lied, well, it fell on deaf ears.

But, Grandma knew something! She knew that it was very important that your body rid itself of toxins ON A DAILY BASIS! If this wasn't happening, you were going to be sick. People didn't have a lot of money for doctors and being sick wasn't tolerated back in those days. I have to add, my Grandmother is still living and just turned 93 in April of 2009. The shelves of the drug stores are lines with constipation remedies. But here's the little secret no one is really talking about. All you need is a little 500mg magnesium supplement, and you'll never walk those isles spending huge dollars on things that only mask the problem...deficiency!

What I like about magnesium is that there are so many other benefits from taking something natural, that your body uses and needs. I have friends and family that take products that work, but they are made of plastic; a known carcinogen. That worries me. I like the fix for a problem to not create another problem. Ingesting plastic scares me.

For years we have known our soil in North America is low in magnesium. Veterinarians always see there is magnesium, selenium and a whole host of minerals added to the livestock feed, yet we don't add it to our own "feed."

I have attached a link to one of my favorite sites; Life Extension Foundation. They have researched the situation on magnesium, and if you don't think spending $5 a month can save you thousands and add years of wonderful productivity and health....well, this article will convince you! And, in case anyone is thinking that I get paid by Life Extension Foundation, nope. I wish!

Start with a Walk in the Park

Greetings from rainy Lexington, KY!

Dr. Oz was on Oprah this afternoon. If you are new to Dr. Oz, he is famous for his series of "YOU" books such as "YOU ON A DIET". The one thing that struck me as very important was walking and how much a person needs to walk. Basically, he stated that you must get in 10,000 steps a day. You can start with a few thousand, but to be healthy, we must work up to 10,000 steps a day. Depending on your stride, this could be different for each person. I did a little research, and here's the deal.

Man's average stride = 2.5 ft
Woman's average stride = 2.2 ft
There are 5, 280 feet in a mile. So, if you are a woman and you walk a mile, you have taken about 2400 steps. (Just divide 5280 by your stride and you have the steps.)

According to Dr. Oz, 10,000 steps are the goal, which is approximately 4.16 miles.

I have often commented to my friends and family that unless I walk 5 miles, I don't feel a thing in terms of improvement to my body. Now I understand why that is the case. I actually like to walk 6 miles in one hour, and of course for anyone who walks, you know that is very aggressive. But, after listening to Dr. Oz, we need to rethink our idea of how much walking we really need.

Well, I'm getting my walking shoes on now!


FDA is Denying Americans access to a low-cost dietary supplement

I don't know how this happened, and how nothing was said about it in the national news, but your vitamin bottle with B-6 pyridoxamine is no longer available to you. You cannot buy it at the store any longer. Why? Because big corporate interests are being served, ahead of the public safety and interest for billion dollar profits. I am not against profit, not at all. But don't take my vitamins away from me, which are cheap and readily available, and make me pay thousands in prescriptions, creating more problems in our already overburdened health care system.

"The FDA is denying Americans access to a low-cost dietary supplement (pyridoxamine) in order to make this natural vitamin an expensive prescription drug."

There have been initial research done to show that vitamin B-6 may be successful in treating Alzheimer's disease, as well as some other conditions. The FDA went along with this request and banned this vitamin, even though it has been available to the public and there are no known safety issues with this vitamin.

LEF goes on to say "Safety is not the issue. The FDA admits its plan to ban pyridoxamine is in direct response to a petition filed by a pharmaceutical company. This company wants the FDA to grant it exclusinve status to sell the safest form of vitamin B6 as a drug!"

"At stake are the lives of millions of Americans whose health can be protected against a host of age-related diseases if pyridoxamine can be freely added to dietary suppliement formulas."

Our freedom to be healthy is at stake. To read more about this issue, and to write your congressman, you can go to

More to come on this in the future....stay tuned!

Today Begins the First Broadcast - Introduction to Dianna

Hello everyone out there in 'cyberspace!' I have been an automotive engineer for over 20 years. This has required me to become a great 'researcher' as we are always having issues that require us to know more...and know it now. With this passion to 'solve the problem' I have become aware that I have another passion; health and the natural power of vitamins and minerals.

There are a ton of sites in which information is being gathered, shared and stored. A large part of my spare time is spent on the study of health. Not traditional medicine, which has sometimes failed me miserably, but in the study of how we survived, or thrived, before 'modern western medicine' and what we can do to improve our health on a daily basis.

Now, through more research, I find we are a nation short on magnesium, vitamin D, B-6 and a host of other things that actually are causing our diabetes, heart disease, dementia, etc. Meanwhile, the FDA just granted the pharmaceutical companies their desire to have vitamin B6 taken away from the public and available by prescription only because they are finding a huge link between B6 and Alzheimer's. You can find more on this at

More to come. This is my first day. Welcome to my blog!