Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"BREAKTHROUGH" by Suzanne Somers

The New York Times Best Seller "Breakthrough" by Suzanne Somers is full of some of the lastest findings in anti-aging and living well. If you don't own this book in your library of health and wellness information, it is highly recommended by many health practitioners. A nutritionist here in Lexington, KY advised me to buy it, read it, understand it and use it. He said it is one of the best for staying healthy. In the book, Ms. Somers outlines 8 Steps to Wellness:

1) Get Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
2) Avoid Chemicals and Detoxify Your Body
3) Take Nutrition Seriously
4) Create a Healthy GI Tract
5) Avoid Pharmaceuticals Unless Absolutely Necessary
6) Supplement Your Diet
7) Exercise Regularly
8) Get Proper Sleep

This book is over 400 pages of absolutely the latest in findings about how people live longer, productively and feeling great. If you are suffering from lack of sleep, hair loss, lack of energy, lack of sex drive, being cold when everyone else is comfortable, cracking nails, hypertension, and sugar cravings...and the list goes on, you need to read this book before you do anything else.

There is a lot of medical research lately that relates to our bodies not absorbing the nutrients we take in. There are various reasons for this, but after the age 30, basically, bodies can decline for a number of reasons, many related to hormones out of balance. You can take all the vitamins and minerals you want, BUT IF THE BODY WON'T ABSORB THEM, YOU WILL NOT GET THE BENEFIT!

Feed your brain, feed your body!


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