Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Have You Had Your Magnesium Today?

First of all, I'm going to be frank about this deal we call constipation! It is a national crisis that no one talks about! Google it. You will see estimations as high as 60+ million people experiencing it just in the United States. WOW! That's awful!

In the old days, back when my Grandma was checking in pretty close on all my bodily functions, the idea of skipping a day without a "BM" was unheard of! Being the contrary child and getting pretty darn tired of the question "Have you had your BM today?" I just yelled out "Grandmaaa! I haven't had one in a week!" Oh my God...the next thing I knew, Milk of Magnesia was being poured down my throat and every attempt to rectify the situation by admitting I lied, well, it fell on deaf ears.

But, Grandma knew something! She knew that it was very important that your body rid itself of toxins ON A DAILY BASIS! If this wasn't happening, you were going to be sick. People didn't have a lot of money for doctors and being sick wasn't tolerated back in those days. I have to add, my Grandmother is still living and just turned 93 in April of 2009. The shelves of the drug stores are lines with constipation remedies. But here's the little secret no one is really talking about. All you need is a little 500mg magnesium supplement, and you'll never walk those isles spending huge dollars on things that only mask the problem...deficiency!

What I like about magnesium is that there are so many other benefits from taking something natural, that your body uses and needs. I have friends and family that take products that work, but they are made of plastic; a known carcinogen. That worries me. I like the fix for a problem to not create another problem. Ingesting plastic scares me.

For years we have known our soil in North America is low in magnesium. Veterinarians always see there is magnesium, selenium and a whole host of minerals added to the livestock feed, yet we don't add it to our own "feed."

I have attached a link to one of my favorite sites; Life Extension Foundation. They have researched the situation on magnesium, and if you don't think spending $5 a month can save you thousands and add years of wonderful productivity and health....well, this article will convince you! And, in case anyone is thinking that I get paid by Life Extension Foundation, nope. I wish!


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